A View on Potato Leaf Roll Disease and its Management

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A View on Potato Leaf Roll Disease and its Management

Author(s) : Mustansar Mubeen, Aqleem Abbas, Shehzad Iqbal, Muhammad Aamir Sohail, and Sonum Bashir

Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) is devastating and widespread in potato fields. It is not only a cause of yield loss around the globe but also in Pakistan. Symptoms expression also characterize primary and secondary infection. Pathogen detection systems lead to the pathogen management system. Moreover, environmental conditions help make disease predictive model, leading to making plans to protect crops from the infectious virus infection. This review makes an overview of potato leaf roll transmission and its management. Symptomology and transmission of the virus through vector help are formulating the management strategies. The current literature helps the researchers to develop the genetical resistant and ecofriendly management against PLRV.