Volume : 2 Issue : 1 Year: 2021
Technical Efficiency Analysis of Wheat Crop in Arid Region of Punjab, Pakistan
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The present study aim to estimate the possible effects of credit on production of wheat crop in district Chakwal, Pakistan. The research was based on primary data gathered from 120 farmers, selected by using random sampling technique belonging to two tehsils i.e. Talagang and Chakwal. SFA (Stochastic Frontier Analysis) model was adapted to analyze the data and the results show the mean technical efficiency of the wheat crop was 88 % for borrowers and 76% for non-borrowers. The results proposed that the technical efficiency of wheat growers can be increased by increasing loan disbursement in the area.
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Muhammad Fahad Irfan, Kaif Matloob, Muhammad Umer Afzal, Irfan Ahmad Baig
Volume : 1 Issue : 2 Year: 2020
Agronomic Responses of Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) Ratoon to Natural and Synthetic Supplements under Water Deficit Conditions
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Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is one of four major cash crops with high importance for sugar industry in Pakistan. The objective of this study was to evaluate biomass of ratoon sugarcane in response to organic supplements and coated fertilizer under three irrigation levels. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with split plot arrangement of factors, replicated three times. Ratoon sugarcane clone CPF-249 was exposed to four levels of natural amendments or synthetic fertilizers and three irrigation levels during two growing seasons. Results suggested significant effects of dose and time of synthetic fertilizer application on all agronomic traits. All quality parameters were statistically non-¬significant, except for cane sugar recovery% (CSR) and commercial cane sugar concentration (CCS). Results of this study indicate that maximum millable cane yield was achieved under 100% irrigation and polymer coated Single Super Phosphate (SSP) fertilizer during 2016-17 with production of 13.2 stalks/m2 and 14.1stalks/m2 whereas, millable cane yield was reduced in both treatments in 2017-18. Maximum stripped cane yields of 47.7 and 40.8 t ha-1 were recorded under 100% irrigation level and polymer coated SSP fertilizer, respectively. A significant reduction in yield was observed at 50% irrigation and no fertilizer application. The maximum cane sugar recovery of 14.0 and 13.6% was achieved when plants were treated with polymer coated single super phosphate (SSP) fertilizer under 100% of recommended irrigation during the 2nd growing season.
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Muhammad Sajid and Hassan Munir
Volume : 1 Issue : 2 Year: 2020
Abiotic Environmental Factors Conducive for Wheat Leaf Rust Disease: Finding the Source of Resistance for its Management
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Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the main source of food for the world population. The present study was aimed to find resistant germplasm against the leaf rust disease by screening the available varieties/lines and to study the relationship between abiotic environmental factors and leaf rust disease severity. Four hundred and eighty-seven wheat varieties/lines were screened against leaf rust disease under nursery conditions. No variety/line was found immune to the disease. Only four varieties/lines were resistant, six were moderately resistant, ninety-six varieties/lines were found moderately susceptible and 380 were found susceptible against the leaf rust infection. The relationship between maximum temperature, minimum temperature, relative humidity, rainfall and leaf rust disease severity on three susceptible wheat varieties (Hashim-08, SKD-1 and Khiram) was assessed using linear regression models. A strong negative linear relationship between leaf rust disease and maximum temperature was observed. Maximum disease severity was noted at 23-24 maximum temperature (oC). The relationship between leaf rust disease severity and minimum temperature was found positive and maximum disease severity was recorded at 15-16°C. Disease severity increased with the decrease of relative humidity. Maximum disease severity was recorded when relative humidity was between 84-85%. Maximum disease severity was recorded when rainfall was between 1-2mm.
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Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Asim and Muhammad Ehetisham ul Haq
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Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) is devastating and widespread in potato fields. It is not only a cause of yield loss around the globe but also in Pakistan. Symptoms expression also characterize primary and secondary infection. Pathogen detection systems lead to the pathogen management system. Moreover, environmental conditions help make disease predictive model, leading to making plans to protect crops from the infectious virus infection. This review makes an overview of potato leaf roll transmission and its management. Symptomology and transmission of the virus through vector help are formulating the management strategies. The current literature helps the researchers to develop the genetical resistant and ecofriendly management against PLRV.
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Mustansar Mubeen, Aqleem Abbas, Shehzad Iqbal, Muhammad Aamir Sohail, and Sonum Bashir
Volume : 1 Issue : 1 Year: 2020
Fabaceae diversity assessment: Distribution, richness and similarity in northern Tunisia
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The study focused on the evaluation and characterization of plant genetic resources of fodder legumes in northern Tunisia for the purpose of biodiversity conservation. The study was carried out on the biodiversity of legumes (Fabaceae) and their geographical distribution as well as on the ecological characterization of their natural environment using different ecological indices. Nine sites distributed in the governorates of Bizerte, Beja and Jendouba were visited to collect information. In this context, an inventory was carried out showing the presence of 40 different species of forage legumes divided into 15 genus, some of which exist in the three governorates prospected at the same time. The genus Trifolium and Medicago was the most diversified by the presence of 9 and 8 species. Thus, eight less diversified monospecific genus have been listed such as (Anthyllis, Calicotome, Hippocreppis, Lathyrus, Lupinus, Melilotus, Scorpiurus and Retama). We have also identified species with widespread distribution such as Trifolium campestre and Trifolium tomentosum and species with restricted geographical distribution such as Anthyllis vulneraria at Rimel in the governorate of Bizerte and Hippocreppis unisiliquosa in the governorate of Beja in Medjez El Bab. Shannon index showed differences between and within governorate. The three governorates studied have an average of 1.883 bits in Bizerta, 2.052 bits in Beja and 1.601 bits in Jendouba. This shows that diversity index is significantly higher in Béja compared to that of Bizerte and Jendouba. Jaccard similarity index calculated for the different studied localities.
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Jandoubi Wassim, Ben Hassine Amna, Manai Amna, Kasri Mounir, Ben-Attia Mossadok, El-Bok Safia
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Collectively we experience an unprecedented time in the history of humanity. This is true not only of the agricultural seed sector of Pakistan but of the world’s agricultural economies. The culprit being Coronavirus, oft dubbed as Covid-19. A culprit of pandemic proportion. What might be the ultimate impact on Pakistan’s seed sector? On the global agricultural economy? I share my personal musings. I do not claim to be clairvoyant but rather to simply raise questions of import related to various possible impacts that might emanate from the pandemic. Granted, I am not a Pakistani nor do I live in the nation. However, I am an observer having established ties to agricultural development efforts in the country. Those ties span and are intertwined with academic, industry and governmental initiatives and realities since 1992. My interests have been somewhat hybridized over the years to address issues within the context of agricultural extension and seed industry development. Issues and impacts, classified as being either near-term or long-term, will be explored. First, let us address the seed itself. The following thoughts address the seed industry. Last thoughts focus on the broader industry of agriculture. My reference points being observations across the US Midwest (corn and soybean production regions) and information gleaned from and about Pakistan.
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Dennis Thompson
Volume : 1 Issue : 1 Year: 2020
Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Strawberry: A Special Case of Sheikhupura District
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This study was carried out in district Sheikhupura of Punjab to figure out the technical efficiency of strawberry farmers through stochastic frontier approach. Multistage sampling technique was employed to get the data from 120 strawberry growers. Cobb Douglas functional form was selected through log likelihood ratio test for stochastic frontier analysis. According to the results, mean value of technical efficiency of farmers was recorded as 64 percent, with the further breakthrough of minimum and maximum value of technical efficiency was 0.39 to 0.97 respectively. All variables of production were found positively related to yield. Estimates of the production function showed that fertilizer, land preparation, pesticide, labor hours were significant. Similarly inefficiency determinants such as family size, experience and credit were significant (P ≤ 0.05). All the inefficiency factors have expected negative sign except age of the farmers with positive sign.
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Muhammad UmerAfzal, Nasir Mehmood, Sultan Ali Tariq, Muhammad Fahad Irfan
Volume : 1 Issue : 1 Year: 2020
Optimization of Explant and Plant Growth Regulators to Increase the Invitro Regeneration Frequency of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. SH-5
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Efficient in vitro culture system was standardized for potato (Solanum tuberosum) cv. SH-5. Callus formation and plant regeneration were obtained by culture of potato leaf discs and internodal stem segments on MS medium supplemented with different growth regulators. MS medium fortified with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) at 4 mg L-1 showed the best results for callogenesis. There was 96% callus induction at 4 mg L-1 of 2,4-D by ,leaf explants as compared to 74% exhibited by intermodal stem segments. Embryogenic calli regenerated shoots on MS supplemented with 2 mg L-1 BAP + 2.5 mg L-1 NAA, had the highest efficiency (64% and 35%) and highest number of shoots per callus (5 and 2) from leaf and stem explants, respectively. Regenerated shoots were separated and rooted on MS medium. The highest rooting response (96%) was observed in the shoots originating from leaf callus as compared to 70% in shoots derived from stem callus. Rooted shoots were acclimatized in the glasshouse for plantation in the field.
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Muhammad Azher Qureeshi, Iftikhar Ahmad Khan, Bushra Sadia
Volume : 1 Issue : 1 Year: 2020
Optimization of Bioplastic Production by Exiguobacterium sp. and Klebsiella sp. Using Molasses as Carbon Source
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Bioplastics are the ecofriendly, biodegradable and biocompatible plastics originated from many living bodies including bacteria. Two bacterial strains Exiguobacterium sp. and Klebsiella sp. were screened for PHA production by Nile Blue Staining and Sudan Black B Staining. Both strains exhibited PHA production ability. Time profiling for the growth of two strains was performed using four different culture media. The two strains were optimized for PHA production for different pH conditions using three different carbon sources as glucose (control), sodium gluconate and molasses. Molasses sample was estimated containing 59.2% carbohydrate and 5.89% protein content by Phenol-Sulfuric Acid Method and Bradford Protein Assay respectively. Sodium Hypochlorite Method was used for PHA extraction. Exiguobacterium sp. showed exponential growth in molasses in 2% concentration and produced 54.0g/L biomass, 7.2 gL-1 or 13.3% PHA at 78 hours. With molasses as carbon source, biomass production by Klebsielliasp.was recorded optimal with 2% supplementation producing 88.7g/L biomass and 8.5g/L or 9.58% PHA, after 78 hours of incubation at 37 ºC. Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy analysis showed that Exiguobacterium sp. produced poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) in medium supplemented with glucose as well as molasses as confirmed by the presence of C = O group at 1624.712 cm-1 and 1385.783 cm-1 respectively.
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Rameesa Sadaat and Nazia Jamil
Volume : 1 Issue : 1 Year: 2020
Panicle Plant Per Plant for Evolution of High Yielding Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa wild.) Progenies in Pakistan
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Quinoa, a halophyte native of South America is famous for its acclimatization in new environments and adverse climatic conditions. Inadequate native quinoa production has encouraged its cultivation in new regions. One hundred and fifty quinoa genotypes belonging to a variety of origins were sown in the field under Faisalabad conditions to study relationship among morphological and physiological traits. Panicle Plant-1 had the highest direct effect on yield. Harvest index also emerged as the key parameter for seed yield determination perhaps being a yield parameter and laborious trait some other parameters are needed for quick assessment of high yielding quinoa under indigenous Pakistani conditions. Among biochemical traits, proline contents showed high positive direct on grain yield. On the basis of this information, a comprehensive quinoa improvement program was initiated for the selection of high yielding quinoa genotypes under shuttle breeding program carried out at two locations for the rapid segregation generation advancement of quinoa population. Simultaneous single plant selection in segregating generation (F2 ‒ F¬6) was done for proline contents initially during vegetative phase and subsequent selection of panicle plant-1 to constitute high yielding progenies. High yielding progenies were evaluated at three locations which showed significant improvement in economic yield over unselected accessions.
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Hassan Munir
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Bioactive compounds are non-nutritive and functional nutrients of food commodities. They play a vital role in human health and reduce the chances of chronic diseases including cancer. Plants, animals and microbes are all source of different bioactive compounds. The conversion of macro particles in small particles to nano-meter is termed as nanotechnology. Encapsulation is the process of covering the active ingredient in protective core and the process at nano level is termed as nano-encapsulation. The active material is made safe from outer environmental threats and the bioactivity of bioactive compounds is extended. Emulsification, coacervation, nano-precipitation and emulsification-solvent evaporation techniques are important techniques to achieve nano-encapsulation. Nanoencapsulation of bioactive compounds may also decrease the degradation and improves solubility and availability of bioactive compounds. Techniques for encapsulation may be develop keeping in view their biosafety issues. Efficiency of nano-encapsulation may depend upon the choice of best technique for encapsulation. Different techniques for encapsulation have been discussed within this review.
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Muhammad Bahadur Ali, Shamas Murtaza, Muhammad Shahbaz, Shazia Ramzan and Muhammad Majid Ali
Volume : 1 Issue : 2 Year: 2020
In-vitro Response of Cereal Aphid Sitobion avenae (Homoptera: Aphididae) against some Selected Botanical Extracts
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Cereal aphid, Sitobion avenae (Homoptera: Aphididae), is one of the destructive pests of wheat and other crops around the globe. Irrational utilization of highly toxic synthetic chemicals against this particular pest has led to several issues of health and environment. In such case, there is a need to find out the control measures, which are less toxic and friendly to environment. The present study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of aqueous extracts of four indigenous plants, i.e. akk (Calotropis procera), lemon (Citrus limon), neem (Azadirachta indica) and dhatura (Datura alba), against S. avenae in laboratory conditions. Toxicity bioassays were conducted according to Completely Randomized Design using 2% aqueous extracts with three replications. Results showed a differential response of aphids to all botanical extracts. Aphid mortality increased with the exposure time with maximum values (i.e. 39.52, 31.75, 26.76 and 24.07% for A. indica, C. procera, C. limon and D. alba extracts, respectively) recorded at 72 h post-treatment. Similarly, A. indica extract exhibited minimum fecundity (2.67 offspring per adult) and adult body weight (340.09 µg) and maximum nymphal development time (9.32 days), followed by C. procera, C. limon and D. alba. Overall study results suggest that A. indica and C. procera extracts would be effective botanical options for combating aphid infestations on wheat and other cereal crops.
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Muhammad Rehan Khalid, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza
Volume : 1 Issue : 2 Year: 2020
Combining Ability Analysis of Agronomic and Fibre Traits under Irrigation and Drought in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
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This study was carried out for developing high yielding cotton genotypes having fiber superiority under drought stress conditions. Five upland cotton accessions were screened out as drought tolerant and three as drought susceptible on the basis of root shoot parameters. The results of root shoot screening experiment were verified in field screening on the basis of agronomical and physiological parameters. These eight genotypes were grown in glass house conditions and crossed in line × tester mating design. During the next cotton season, these fifteen cotton hybrids and parents were sown in field conditions. Traits related to yield and fiber quality under the study showed significant variations among the accessions and their half sibs. Furthermore, the line MS-64 and tester BH-176 had better yield performance under water stress. The cross combinations viz., GS-444 × MPS-11, and COOKER-315 × Cyto-62 were the best for yield contributing traits. These combinations may be helpful for germplasm enhancement on large scale under water scarcity.
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Muhammad Akbar, Khezir Hayat, Farzana Ashraf, Syed Bilal Hussain, Hafiz Muhammad Imran
Volume : 2 Issue : 1 Year: 2021
Early growth of Cotton is affected by increasing concentration of fresh leaves extract of Calotropis procera
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An experiment was conducted to explore the effects of C. procera fresh leaves extract on cotton growth and vigor during seedling and early establishment stage. The trial was carried out in randomized complete block designed (RCBD) with 3 replications and 4 treatments viz., distilled water, 15%, 30% and 45% solution of Calotropis procera fresh leaves extracts. Data regarding the cotton seedling vigor and growth was collected and mean value of each trait were statistically compared through HSD Tukey’s test (P ≤ 0.05). The highest shoot length seedling-1 (252.25 mm), root length seedling-1 (98.33 mm), stem diameter seedling-1 (0.35 mm) and dry weight of the shoot seedling-1 (0.85 g) was noticed in distilled water treatment. Leaf extract treatments caused significant reduction in seedling vigor and growth. The highest reduction was noticed when treated with 45% aqueous extract of C. procera. The above-mentioned treatment caused significant reduction in various seedling traits, which may hinder early establishment of cotton crop. Therefore, the farmers should remove the dense population of C. procera around cotton fields to avoid allelopathic effects of weed and to reduce damaging effects on early growing cotton plants.
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Khuram Mubeen, Asif Tanveer, Rao M. Ikram, M. Shehzad, Mudassir Aziz and H. M. Amir
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Sunflower is an important oil seed crop of world, which is predominately cultivated by hybrid seed. Sunflower breeders continue attempt new cross combinations to develop hybrids with higher manifestation of heterosis. Therefore, present study was conducted with the aim to develop highly heterotic hybrids. The manifestation of heterosis was studied in various phenological and agronomic traits of sunflower. There were 24 single cross hybrids produced by crossing among cytoplasmic male sterile and restorer lines in 2018. Developed crosses were evaluated in 2019 in randomized block design at Karaj, Iran. There was considerable heterosis in desired direction for phenological and agronomic traits which indicated that highly heterotic crosses may be selected to expand yield potential in Iran. Two hybrids R29 × A212 and R19 × A212 with higher seed and oil yield and positive heterosis for these two characteristics were identified as superior hybrids. The results indicated that association of optimum alleles related to flowering time may result in development of early maturing hybrids than related parents. Moreover, heterozgosity may mask recessive alleles, therefore, specific combining ability of parents may be more important than per se performance of inbred parents.The role of maternal effects should be taken into account in breeding of a trait and higher heterosis alone cannot be a reason for the superiority of a hybrid for a particular trait, and ultimate expression of a given feature is more important.
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Mehdi Ghaffari, Farnaz Shariati, Nadia Safavi Fard
Volume : 2 Issue : 1 Year: 2021
Description of new high yielding forage Avena Sativa L. cultivar ‘Super Green Oats’
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Oat [Avena sativa (L.)] cultivar “Super Green Oats” was developed through conventional breeding methods by the Fodder Research Institute, Sargodha, and released as general cultivar in 2020. Commercial cultivar is an advanced line of “FRI-03” which is derived from cross of parental accessions (No. 668 × No. 632) and subsequent selections in various segregating populations (F2 - F6), through pedigree methods having uniformity > 99%. Cultivar had 9% and 15% forage yield advantage over commercial check “Sargodha-Oat 2011” during 2014 and 2015 station trials while it gave 9% higher fodder yield during 2016-17 during zonal trials over commercial check.. It is green, tall, multi-tillering, with slight later in maturing cultivar and produce light brown seed. It has many desirable forage quality traits, including high palatability (82%), protein content (10%) and had resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. It flower about 10 days later than standard check variety. Moreover, it has higher stability (coefficient of regression bi = 1.06) calculated over 3 environments for 2 years. Its robust yield combine with high palatability and high protein contents than standard check and resistance to biotic and abiotic stress show that Super Green Oat will be highly useful cultivars in both irrigated and arid region of Punjab Province. Moreover, the cultivar will be potential parent for the development of new pedigrees for the genetic improvement of oat germplasm.
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Imtiaz Akram Khan Niazi
Volume : 2 Issue : 1 Year: 2021
Optimized Growth conditions for polyhydroxyalkanoate production by halotolerant bacteria isolated from Karachi mangrove forest
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Researchers have been investigating multiple alternatives for synthetic plastic to completely replace polystyrene plastics, one of which is Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). PHA is biodegradable and biocompatible, and it shows elastomeric and thermostable properties comparable to polystyrene. The purpose of this study was to isolate bacterial species TattaPani Kashmir and Karachi Mangrove forest capable of surviving high salinity and poroducing PHA. The isolated bacterial strains were provided with different growth conditions such as pH, Temperature and salinity for optimized growth and PHA production. Ten bacterial strains were selected for this experiment, and it was found that Bacillus aryabhattaiWK31 produced maximum (61%) PHA at 37℃, 6% NaCl and 6.8 pH. Similarly, strain Bacillus aryabhattaiS1, Bacillus halotoleranus14SM, and Bacillus aryabhattaiAFSN2 were also able to produce 55, 58 and 61 percent PHA at similar growth condition. Moreover, these bacteria, particularly 14Sm, were able to tolerate salinity as high as 12 g l-1. The importance of optimized growth conditions is unparalleled as bacteria, like other organisms, need ideal conditions to produce a maximum polymer.
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Naima Khan, Nazia Jamil
Volume : 2 Issue : 1 Year: 2021
Assessment of leaf secondary macronutrient variability in olive cultivars grown on shale and sand stone derived soils
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The awareness of Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) variation in olive is pertinent for healthy plant growth. The aim of this research was to examine the seasonal variation of Ca and Mg contents in olive leaves. A field study was conducted for one year at University Research Farm, Chakwal, Pakistan. Leaf nutrients were measured on monthly basis during 2017 growing season. Six olive varieties BARI Zaitoon-1, PS-1, VP-1, Balkasar, Moraiolo and Chitina were selected. Preliminary soil sampling was done for evaluation of fertility status, soil texture, soil pH, EC, total organic matter, CaCO3, NO3-, available P, extractable K+, soluble Ca, Mg and Ca were analyzed initially. Soil was categorized as alkaline having no salinity issue and it was found weak to moderate calcareous, soil texture was sandy loam to loam. Organic Matter was less. The study revealed that there was deficient N, P whereas K, Ca and Mg were adequate in olive orchard. In olive, highest Ca peaks were noticed in summer season during the initiation of leaf development. The varietal comparison revealed that Ca concentration in each olive variety was above the sufficient level. In winter highest Mg peaks were noticed from fruit growth to the end of dormancy. There was no Mg deficiency among olive cultivars. The results recommend that there is further need to sample flower or fruits to understand the nutrient status of orchards.
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Anum Farhat, Muhammad Fahad Irfan, Mavia Murad, Muhammad Umer Afzal
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Basmati rice is a fine and aromatic rice grown mainly in certain areas of Punjab province in Pakistan. It has high demand in the international market and a source of earning foreign exchange via export. Adulteration of non-basmati rice grains is a major challenge to secure its export standards. Hence, the development of a simple and cost-effective method is necessary to screen the basmati and non-basmati rice samples. In this study, we have validated the efficiency of different molecular markers by screening seven unknown rice samples. Our results demonstrated that three markers namely RM1, RM19 and RM225 proved to be efficient microsatellite molecular markers that could be used to screen basmati and non-basmati rice samples. Further, these results are validated based on expression pattern of Badh2 gene among the basmati and non-basmati rice. Thus, this study provides a contribution towards development of a simple and cost-effective method for rapid screening of basmati rice.
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Safeena Inam, Syed Adeel Zafar , Malik Attique-ur-Rehman, Muhammad Kashif, Naeem, Nazia Rehman and Muhammad Ramzan Khan*
Volume : 2 Issue : 2 Year: 2021
Heterotic groups for identifying of suitable combiners in sunflower using top-cross
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The study was conducted in order to identify the suitable parental inbred lines using top cross method for improvement of new sunflower F1 single cross hybrids at research field of Seed and Plant Improvement Institute in Karaj, Iran during two Crop season (2018 and 2019). Experimental materials consisted of 31 restore lines and 43 cytoplasmic male sterile lines which were crossed with A1221 and R14 as the testers respectively. The developed F1 hybrids were evaluated for GCA of three breeding objectives i.e. flowering time, plant height and grain yield during two years replicated trials. Cluster analysis revealed two heterotic groups in which the restorer lines; R22, R24 and R38 (Grain yield of 33, 32 and 31 g head-1 respectively) and three CMS lines; A32, A370 and A110 (Grain yield of 47, 44 and 43 g head-1 respectively) were identified as the suitable restorer and cytoplasmic male sterile line for improvement of new sunflower single cross hybrids. Evaluation of specific combing ability of the resulted combinations will reveal the efficiency of this selection in the following generation.
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Mehdi Ghaffari, Farnaz Shariati, Habib Tashakkori Meymand, Nadia Safavi Fard
Volume : 2 Issue : 2 Year: 2021
Genetic studies of different agronomic, quality and yield contributing traits in Gossypium hirsutum L.
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An experiment of 4 × 4 diallel was carried out to study the gene action of different yield and yield contributing traits of four advanced cotton cultivars using Mather and Jinks approach. Significant variation was present for all the characters (P< 0.01). The data on recorded parameters revealed that most of the traits were fully or partially fit for genetic interpretation. Additive gene action (D) was significant and pre-dominant for all the characters while seeds per locule showed dominance effect of H1& H2, and it was confirmed by the value of degree of dominance (H1/D 0.5). The value of H2/4H1 and h2 (measures the direction of dominance) demonstrated asymmetrical division of dominant genes for all traits, except ginning out turn (G.O.T) percentage and fiber length, in parental material. All the studied traits showed high value of narrow sense heritability (h2NS), however seeds per locule possessed low heritability. The genetic analysis revealed that all the characters could be improved by progeny and pedigree selection, whereas hybrid dynamism could be exploited in the trait like seeds per locule.
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Hafiz Mumtaz Hassan, Fahad Masoud Wattoo, Manzoor Hussain, Muhammad Kashif Riaz Khan , Sajjad Haidar and Allah Ditta1
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Various aspects of fruit abscission in cotton have been reviewed in the past. Recent advances in this field thus permit consolidation of review of the current research. A major concern among cotton growers is heavy fruit drop, that leads to direct yield loss, which occurs at the expense of squares and young bolls. Shedding of fruiting forms in cotton is the combined consequence of plant itself like hormonal imbalance, plant nutritional status, age relation, and environmental stresses like water deficit, waterlogging, high temperature, dim light, salinity, insects and diseases. These stresses result in prominent signaling modifications like hormonal imbalance. Ethylene is claimed to play a key role in abscission apparently by activating the production of cell wall degrading enzymes such as cellulases and polygalacturonase. The premature dropping of fruiting bodies can significantly increase due to these environmental stresses, which result in severe loss in cotton yield. This article is focused on both internal and external factors that leads to fruit abscission, mechanism of fruit abscission at the physiological, hormonal, and molecular level and trying to point out the missing links on different aspects of plant hormones and environmental stresses regarding fruit abscission. This article also focused on the missing pieces of the very complicated puzzle of fruit abscission process in cotton and elucidation of the mechanism by which plants perceive abscission signals and trigger phytohormone–mediated signal transduction cascades is crucial to devise fruit shedding related breeding and transgenic approaches.
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Hamza Qureshi, Ummara Waheed, Abu Bakar Siddique, Zulfiqar Ali, Raza Ahmed, Maria Sidduqiue, Irum Shahzadi, Ambreen Naz, Wajiha Ejaz, Nadeem Raza
Volume : 2 Issue : 2 Year: 2021
Evaluation of oat (Avena sativa L.) accessions for fodder yield and quality under drought stress
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Oat is being cultivated as cereal and multi-cut forage crop in temperate and subtropical regions of the world. However, elite germplasm of oats was found susceptible to abiotic stresses including drought stress. Therefore, 15 oat accessions were evaluated for various traits using completely randomized factorial design under four irrigation levels, with depreciation of one irrigation at each level. Field was irrigated at 21, 33, 45, 57 and 70 days after sowing (DAS) under control condition (T1), while 2nd level received four irrigations at 21, 33, 45 and 70 DAS (T2), third level received three irrigation at 21, 35 and 57 DAS (T3) and fourth level received two irrigations at 21 and 35 DAS (T4). Data was recorded after 70 days of sowing for different physiological, growth and quality parameters. Significant variation (P ≤ 0.05) was detected among all accessions in response to various irrigational levels. There was continuous decrease in the studies due to depreciation of irrigation at each level. Control treatment had the highest growth and quality parameters. Shoot fresh biomass was decreased by decreased by 57% (T2), 60% (T3) and 69% (T4). Moreover, traits such as leaf area, number of tillers plant-1, and root biomass was also decreased by 38%, 55% and 85% respectively due to T4 treatment. Traits such as protein contents and neutral detergent fiber were not affected by water stress treatment. Three accessions such as G7, G9, and G11 were discriminated as drought-tolerant and three genotypes namely G4, G8, and G14 were drought-susceptible accessions. Identified accessions may be cultivated in drought prone areas or may be used as parents for development segregating populations. Keywords: Irrigation levels, seedling, traits, economical traits, QTLs
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Asma Shaheen, Amir Bibi, Muhammad Awais, Nisar Ahmad, Farwa Shoaib, Zainab Shahbaz, Bilquees Fatima, Imtiaz Akram Khan Niazi
Volume : 2 Issue : 2 Year: 2021
Effect of different granular insecticides on suppression of rice stem borers and plant hopper under rice-wheat cropping system
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Field experiments were conducted at three different locations in central Punjab, Pakistan to evaluate the efficacy of different granular insecticides on suppression of rice stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas & Scirpophaga innotata) and plant hopper (Nilapervata lugens & Sogatella forcifera ) for two years (2018 and 2019) during Kharif season. Treatments comprised different granular insecticides; Cartap 4% G, Fipronil 0.3 G, Mover Plus 4.3 % (fipronil 0.3 % + cartap hydrochloride 4%) and Virteko 0.6 GR (chlorantraniliprole 0.2 % + thiamethoxam 0.4 %) @ 22.0, 20.0, 11.0 and 10 kg ha-1 respectively. All the insecticides showed varied efficacy against rice stem borer and plant hopper in minimizing the symptoms of dead hearts, white heads and hopper burn. The highest suppression efficacy was recorded with the chlorantraniliprol + thiamethoxam followed by fipronil + cartap hydrochloride against plant hoppers and stem borers. Experimental units treated with chlorantraniliprol + thiamethoxam showed the lowest hopper infestation (9,11 and 8 hoppers per plant) as compared to control where 70, 75 and 68 hoppers per plant was recorded for location I, II and III, respectively. Granular insecticide i.e. chlorantraniliprol + thiamethoxam also reduced the stem borer infestation @ 76, 81 & 78 % at location I, II and III respectively. The experimental unit treated with chlorantraniliprol + thiamethoxam showed a 22% (4266.6 kg ha-1) and 23% (4288.3 kg ha-1) higher paddy yield than control for 2018 and 2019, respectively.
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Muhammad Shahbaz, Muhammad Saleem Kashif , Aftab Hussain, Ahmad Nawaz, Iqra Sajjad, Ghulam Nabi, Humaira Kalsoom, Muhammad Tariq, Muhammad Anjum Ali
Volume : 2 Issue : 2 Year: 2021
Estimation of Yield Potential, Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Safflower in Different Ecological Zones
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significant extent under changing climate scenarios. Drastic impact of climatic variability demands suitable solutions including adaption through climate-proof cropping system. Similar intervention was focused through the subject study conducted during winter 2019 to assess cultivation of exotic USDA safflower accessions under various environments of Punjab, Pakistan. Four locations i.e. Bahawalpur, Faisalabad, Kasur and Rawalpindi were selected for cultivation of previously screened six safflower candidate lines in a randomized complete block design with factorial arrangements. Seed yield, oil quality and contents was calculated. Results revealed that the performance of safflower accessions of exotic origin perofmred variably under variety of climates. Safflower accession PI-198990 exhibited the highest seed yield at Kasur whereas, PI-199907reflected the least yield at Bahawalpur. High oil contents were estimated at Faisalabad when compared withother locations under study. However, the maximum accumulation of oleic acid was recorded in safflower planted at Bahawalpur. On the other hand, Rawalpindi sown safflower exhibited the maximum content of linoleic acid. As far the morpho-physiological attributes are concerned, positive and significant relationship of seed yield with number of branches, number of heads and thousand seed weight were recorded whereas, linoleic acid showed strongly negative correlation with oleic acid content. Therefore, it is concluded that environmental variation had significantly influenced safflower yield, oil and fatty acids contents.
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Muhammad Sajid, Hassan Munir, Abdul Khaliq, Ghulam Murtazza
Volume : 2 Issue : 2 Year: 2021
Fruit yield and quality traits of Pakistani cultivars of Citrus sinensis Osbeck in core area of Production
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Citrus is an important table fruit having refreshing taste and rich source of vitamin C. Citrus sinensis is an important species of citrus which is being consumed by large masses due to its peculiar taste and high sugar content and early availability in the fruit market. A study was conducted to identify the potential varieties of this commercial species. Commercial varieties were evaluated for yield related and biochemical traits. It was identified that commercial variety “Salustiana” had the fruit of largest mass, least number of seed, juice mass, volume and peel mass. Disease free nursery may be developed to commercial this variety in core area of Punjab and may also be used in molecular studies.
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Mehwish Sidique, Rashad Mukhtar Balal, Ahmad Zeeshan
Volume : 3 Issue : 1 Year: 2022
Evaluation of cucumber germplasm for yield and its contributing attributes
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Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is a genetically diverse group of vegetables having various cultivars with distinct traits. The study was conducted to explore the available germplasm of cucumber for better yield. Different commercial open pollinated and hybrid varieties of cucumber were planted in the field and evaluated for morphological variability in traits such as canopy, floral and fruit traits. Higher leaf length (6.16 mm) and width (6.29 mm) was found in “CP001” whereas the highest length (2.39 m) of first 15 nodes was observed in “Local khera” accession. However, dark color leaves were observed in “4308” accession. The highest number of female flowers plant-1were observed in “CP001” (3.33) and “Champion” (2.67) accession whereas the highest male flowers were observed in “Local khera” (329.33) and “Green pearl” (313.33). The highest number of fruits plant-1 were found in accessions “CP001” (18) and Local khera (17). Similarly, the highest fruit yield plant-1 was found in accession “CP001” (3.15 kg) followed by Local khera (2.98 kg). It was concluded from current studies that accession “CP001” performed better under Faisalabad climatic conditions.
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Faheem Khadija, Bilquees Fatima* and Muhammad Usman
Volume : 3 Issue : 1 Year: 2022
Farmers’ conflicts: threat to environment friendly agricultural technology transfer in Pakistan
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At present time, farmers’ conflicts are considered as emerging threat to supply chain from agricultural production to consumption. Rural conflicts are on top especially those may intimidate the integrity of agricultural activities in the country. These conflicts also cause hindrance for smooth transfer of agricultural technology. Present study was conducted in Sargodha district of Punjab province in Pakistan. The population for the present study consists of all residents of rural areas of district Sargodha. Multistage sampling technique was used for selection of the sample from the study area. The data were analyzed using computer software Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive and inferential statistics such as ranks, mean scores, percentages and non-parametric Chi-square test were used for interpretation of the data. It is concluded that farmer-to-farmer conflicts are of complex in nature due to low education and difference in social status. It is further concluded that trust-deficit between farmers and Extension field staff exists and provides huge constraint for transfer of technology among farming community in the study area. It is recommended that EFS must possess accommodative attitude towards farmers to resolve their conflicts and must be incorporated in their job responsibilities and training curriculum.
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Ejaz Ashraf, Hafiz Muhammad Afzal Sultan, Saima Sadaf, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel, Khalid Mahmood, Mujahid Iqbal, Muhammad Arshed Javed, Syed Mukarram Ali
Volume : 3 Issue : 1 Year: 2022
Effects of genotypes, explants and plant growth regulators on In vitro callogenesis of garlic (Allium satium L)
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Garlic (Allium satium L.) is categorized as an important medicinal plant worldwide which was known for its very high therapeutic value. Several biotic and abiotic factors may affect its sustainable yield and quality. Viral diseases of garlic Asexual mode of propagation may cause of spread of viral diseases in garlic which may be eliminated through in vitro techniques. Therefore, research was carried out to determine effect of different sterilization methods, carbon source and explant on in vitro production of disease-free garlic. The highest numbers of clean cultures were obtained using treatment combination of 70% ethanol 1 min-1 and 55% Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) 20 minutes-1. All other treatments either fail to produce clear cultures or reduced the efficiency of germination. Sugar and maltose were used as carbon source and no significant variation was observed among them during germination of cloves Two commercial varieties NARC G1 and White garlic were used as source of explant. Calli mass were assessed after interval of every 10-15 days and subsequently sub-cultured. Data was obtained after 60 days. Both accessions produced maximum callus (59.73% and 58.39% respectively) when used shoots were used explant. The calli were yellowish white in hue and had a dense and nodular morphology. Different concentrations of 2, 4-D showed significant variations in the average frequency of induced calli, germinated shoots explant of NARC G1 variety of garlic produced the highest calli at plant growth regulator concentration of 3.0 mg L-1 of 2,4-D. The result of present studies may provide a source of disease-free material for genetic manipulation of garlic genotypes.
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Nida Asif, Sehar Nawaz , Fozia Saleem, Saba Tabasum , Tayyaba Naz,
Volume : 3 Issue : 1 Year: 2022
Genetic Interaction and Selection Strategy for different Traits in Brassica Campestris
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Generation mean analysis through 6 parameter model for three parents along with four generations viz F1, F2, BC1 and BC2 of two crosses of Brassica campestris was studied and evaluation was done in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications in 2019. Additive variance was noted for 1000 seed weight in cross Span × Toria and for days to 50% flowering in cross TR8 × Toria. Hence selection at early generation may be helpful for the improvement of these traits. Negative dominance effect was present for glucosinolate in cross TR8×Toria which might be supportive for the reduction of this trait. Genetic interactions were found fixable for plant height, siliqua length, days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, number of seeds per siliqua, yield, oleic acid and erucic acid in cross Span × Toria and for plant height, siliqua length, days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, oil contents, oleic acid, linoleic acid, erucic acid and glucosinolate in cross TR8 ×Toria. The traits showed fixable interaction mass selection and progeny selection would be effective while for others exploitation of heterosis breeding may be effective and selection would be delayed to attain homozygosity.
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Salsabeel Rauf, Muhammad Ahsan Iqbal, Hafeez Ahmad Sadaqat , Nisar Ahmed
Volume : 3 Issue : 1 Year: 2022
Effects of temperature stresses and growth stages on Cry1Ac protein accumulation in BollgardTM cotton
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Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a gram-positive soil bacterium that makes crystal proteins toxic for insects, particularly larvae of Diptera and Lepidopteron. Bt genes has been frequently used to develop genetically modified (GM) insect resistant crops. Various factors affecting the gene expression and protein accumulation in GM crops hence, present work was designed to evaluate the effects of temperatures and age on expression pattern of Cry1Ac gene in Bt cotton. Transformation event was verified using digital PCR and the presence of endotoxin was initially confirmed through immuno-strip assay. Toxin accumulation level in top third leaf was investigated using quantitative ELISA after 20 days intervals starting from 60 days. Results showed that protein level gradually increased with plant’s age, and it was maximum at 100 days in plants placed under 35oC. Toxin level declined under all temperature regimes at advanced growth stages and minimal toxin was observed at 25oC. Bt cotton MNH-886 showed higher and stable toxin accumulation in comparison with FH-lalazar even at elevated temperatures and lateral growth stages. These findings demonstrated that expression of Cry1Ac gene is influenced by temperatures and age of the plant, while MNH-886 is a more stable genotype regarding Cry1Ac protein accumulation.
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Sajid ur Rahman, Shahid Nazir , Imran Habib, Muhammad Younas, Khalid Mahmood
Volume : 3 Issue : 1 Year: 2022
A Mixed Method Research to Analyze Fertilizer Sources and Application Methods in Nutrient Stewardship Perspective at Farm Level in Rice - Wheat Cropping Zone of Punjab, Pakistan
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The present study was carried out in 2020 to analyse the fertilizer management practices pertaining to its sources and application methods in the perspective of 4R approach, at farm level, in the rice-wheat cropping zone of Punjab-Pakistan. Multistage random sampling and cross sectional research design were used to conduct the study in Sheikhupura and Nankana Sahib districts of Punjab were randomly selected. Two tehsils namely Muridke and Shahkot from two districts and 5 rural UCs from each tehsil were randomly selected. A sample size of 400 rice farmers was drawn with 5% confidence interval and 95% confidence level. The data were collected through a well-structured interview schedule which was pretested for validity and reliability. The quantitative data were analyzed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis. It was found that the efficient usage of fertilizers was hindered by some socio-economic problems and concluded that there was highly significant association between fertilizer management practices and socio-economic variables. It was recommended that the provincial government should encourage local production of the seed and fertilizer drills at subsidized prices so that the farmers can afford to apply efficient fertilizer application methods. It was also recommended that extension wing of agriculture department should design tailor-made training modules about the economic returns of using efficient fertilizer sources and application methods such as placement, fertigation or drill after standardizing them according to local farm conditions.
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Asif Ali1,*, Babar Shahbaz2, Ijaz Ashraf3 and Muhammad Maqsood4
Volume : 3 Issue : 1 Year: 2022
Screening of brinjal accessions against leaf blight (Curvularia lunuata ) in relation to epidemiological factors
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Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) is susceptible to most disastrous Curvularia leaf spot disease which severely affects the eggplant yield, quality, and leads to severe economic losses and becoming an alarming problem for farming community. In this regard, 15 accessions of brinjal were screened against leaf blight. Result showed that two hybrids (“Sandhya F1”, “Chaudry 54 F1”) showed resistant response with 4.72 and 3.95% disease incidence, respectively. Four varieties (“Twinkle star”, “Janak F1”, “Rani”, “Brinjal 3715”) showed moderately resistant response against leaf blight. Two accessions (“Dilnasheen”, “EP-273”) of them exhibited moderately susceptible and two (Pahuja Black round, Black pearl long) showed susceptible response towards leaf blight. Highly susceptible response was shown by five varieties/advance lines including Local-II Ever green, Black Beauty SSI, Global Round-Desi, Green Gold and Local-I Ever green with 96.68, 94.62, 93.67, 87.66 and 87.43% disease incidence, respectively. All these epidemiological factors (temperature, humidity, rainfall) showed highly positive correlation with disease development. It is concluded that “Sandhya-F1” and “Chaudry (54)-F1” can be used as resistant varieties against leaf blight disease of brinjal.
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Muhammad Atiq, Isra Naeem, Nasir Ahmed Rajput, Muhammad Usman, Shahid Iqbal, Ahmad Nawaz,Tahreem Fatima, Fahad Yaqoob, Muhammad Kashif, Mariam Ashraf
Volume : 3 Issue : 1 Year: 2022
Environmental Factors and Yellow Rust Epidemic on Wheat Varieties in Punjab, Pakistan
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This study was conducted at Barani Agricultural Research Station, Fatehjang, Punjab, Pakistan for two years during 2018 and 2019. A set of one hundred genotypes of wheat including commercial varieties and advanced lines from different sources were screened against yellow rust under field conditions. Based on observations against yellow rust, it was found that out of these 100 wheat genotypes 48 showed 60-100% yellow rust severity and characterized as susceptible to moderately susceptible. Twenty-three genotypes showed 40 – 59% yellow rust infection, while 17 showed 20-39% disease severity and characterized as moderately susceptible & moderately resistant to moderately susceptible respectively. Four genotypes showed 10-19% disease severity and were characterized as moderately resistant while only eight genotypes remained resistant. Yield losses were more than 46 % in wheat genotypes having maximum yellow rust severity upto 80% and yield losses were minimum in moderately resistant to resistant genotypes. When the maximum temperature rises in the winter months (February and March) then an increase in the yellow rust epidemic was seen. It was concluded from the study of these two consecutive years that the stripe rust disease epidemic is highly dependent on favorable environmental conditions like more humidity due to rainfall and a rise in maximum temperature.
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Shiraz Ali, Muhammad Imran Khan, Muhammad Shahbaz,, Ghulam Nabi, Muhammad Zeeshan, Saba Aleem, Manzoor Hussain, Saadia
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The research study was carried out in the year 2019 to evaluate the sugar mills extension services on promoting modern sugarcane production technology and its impact on sugarcane production in district Muzaffargarh. A sample of 120 sugarcane growers was selected and interviewed personally from eight Union Councils (UC) of the study area. The results revealed that demographic traits were significantly linked with sugarcane production. All the respondents in the area acknowledged getting information regarding modern sugarcane cultivation practices and the latest research findings from sugar mills staff on enhancing sugarcane productivity. The most notable finding was the awareness and adoption of approved & recommended sugarcane varieties, filter cake, facility of soil/water testing and biological control laboratories services of sugar mills. Moreover, a 23.3% increase in sugarcane yield per acre was seen due to the facilitation of sugar mills extension services in the study area.
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Muhammad Umair Farooq, Farhat Ullah Khan, Zahid Iqbal, Syed Zia-ul-Hussnain, Mahwish Siraj
Volume : 3 Issue : 2 Year: 2022
Comparative economics of manual and mechanical rice transplantation in District Sheikhpura
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The study was designed to compare economics of mechanical transplanting of rice over manually transplanting method of rice cultivation in the context of low yield in manual transplanting over mechanical method. The primary data was collected through face to face farmer interviews for three different categories of rice varieties namely i) basmati ii) coarse and iii) PK-1121 by using a questionnaire. The results revealed that average paddy yield of Basmati , Coarse and PK-1121 rice varieties grown by manual transplanting method was 45, 49, 48 monds /acre respectively as compared to 51, 52, 51 monds by mechanical transplanting method. However, per acre economic cost of production by manual means for Basmati (PKR 70847/acre), Coarse (PKR 62031/acre) and PK-1121 (PKR 64464/acre) rice varieties were less than with mechanical transplanting method i.e, PKR.77295, 72029 and 75445 respectively. Overall a significant rise in per acre economic profit was observed for Basmati and Coarse varieties grown by mechanical transplantation method i.e., PKR. 21186 and PKR. 9190 per acre as compared to manual method of transplanting i.e. PKR. 17376 and PKR.6601 per acre. BCR (Benefit-Cost-Ratio) for these three categories of rice varieties is greater for mechanical transplantation method i.e., 2.43, 2.03 and 2.44 as compared to manual means which is 2.33, 1.90 and 2.44 respectively for basmati, coarse and PKR-1121. Moreover, extent of harvesting with rice specific kaboota harvester was more towards mechanically transplanted area as compared to manually transplanted area of all the 03 categories of rice namely basmati, coarse and PK-1121.
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Muhammad Younas, Wardah Qamar, Rabiqa Ahmed, Razaullah Khan, Usman Hassan, Muhammad Tariq, Ishtiaq Hassan
Volume : 3 Issue : 2 Year: 2022
Effectiveness of various post emergence herbicides against broad leaved weeds in wheat crop and their impact on grain yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
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Field experiments were performed for two successive crop seasons (2019-20 and 2020-21) to evaluate the effectiveness of various post emergence herbicides for controlling broad-leave weeds in wheat field and their impact on grain yield of wheat at Adaptive Research Farm Sheikhupura Punjab, Pakistan. The effects of herbicides on weed density, yield attributes and grain yield were recorded. Significant impact of herbicides was recorded in decreasing weed density and increasing grain yield with a positive effect on productive tillers, grains per spike and thousand grains weight. Highest weed control efficiency (85.0 & 86.7) (81.5 & 84.3) was calculated from broad-X & wheat star as compared to control during both crop seasons. Maximum grain yield (3783.3 & 4310.0 kgha-1) was recorded from plots treated with broad-X with 19.8 and 26.7 % higher than control followed by wheat star that recorded 19.6 and 21.0% higher grain yield as compared to the control during both years. Among the studied herbicides, chlorpyralid+ fluroxypyr methy+ MCPA (broad-X) and chlorpyralid+ fluroxypyr methyl+ tribenuran methyl (wheat star) were the most effective and suitable options in controlling broad leaved weeds as well as increasing the grain yield of wheat crop.
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Muhammad Shahbaz, Azhar Mehmood, Usman Hassan, Aftab Hussain, Muhammad S. Kashif, Muhammad Tariq Chaudhry, Ishtiaq Hassan, Mushtaq Ali, Muhammad Anjum Ali
Volume : 3 Issue : 2 Year: 2022
Haematological and hematochemical evaluation of Marecha camel reared under farming system
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Biochemical and hematological parameters were poorly determined in Pakistani camels. An attempt was therefore made to characterize these parameters of the breed of Marecha dromedarius camels reared in agricultural desert conditions. Various biochemical parameters were tested in twenty camels of both sexes. Mean hemoglobin concentration, energy and protein parameters were higher in male camels than female camels except glucose concentration which was higher in females. Urea and creatinine values were similar amongst the both sexes. The results are discussed and compared with data reported in the literature for camel species. About the biochemical profile of the blood of Pakistani camel is determined very briefly. The research was designed to determine the biochemical parameters of blood in Marecha dromedary camels of both sexes raised in the desert ecology of the farm. About 14 camels were divided into G1 - from four females (without oestrus) and G2 - from ten females (non-pregnant) raised under semi-open stables, fed concentrate, straw, browsing and water twice a day. Deworming and vaccination were carried out at three-month intervals. Hemoglobin (Hb), hematochemical parameters and minerals were tested. The mean Hb concentration was significantly higher in males than in females (15.16±0.79 and 14.46±0.68 g/dl). Mean concentrations of cholesterol and triglycerides were higher in male camels than in females (60.18±5.24, 37.44±4.16 and 58.32±4.88, 34.98±4.12 respectively, in G1 and G2), while glucose concentration was higher in she-camels. Total proteins, albumin and globulin values were significantly higher in males than in females (8.12±1.66, 4.06±1.28, 3.86 ±0.92 and 6.96 ±1.22, 3 ,16 ±1.44, 3.28 ±1.26 respectively, in G1 and G2). Urea and creatinine values did not show any treatment effect. In the mineral analysis, the average concentrations of calcium and phosphorus were 9.82 ±1.26, 4.72 ±1.12 and 9.39 ±1.18 and 4.33±0.98 in G1 and G2, respectively. It is opined that these results could be used as a baseline for future studies.
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Asim Faraz , Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq, Nasir Ali Tauqir, Abdul Waheed, Muhammad Arslan Akbar, Talat Bilal, Yasoob, Maaz Rehman, Amal AlKharusi, Ayman Balla Mustafa and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel
Volume : 3 Issue : 2 Year: 2022
Response of wheat genotypes to foliar application of amino acids as a salt stress relief agent under hydroponic conditions
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Wheat (Triticum aestivum L) is a major cereal crop moderately affected by salinity. Exogenous application of amino acids can improve the crop performance under salt stress. With the purpose to induce salt tolerance, 1% amino acids mixture (containing glutamic acid 8%, arginine 6%, proline 2.5%, lysine 2%, and serine 4%) solution was foliarly applied to eight wheat varieties Punjab-11, PK-13, Glaxy-13, Ujala-15, Gold-16, Johar-16, Anaaj-17, and Gandum-1 grown under saline (S1=10 dSm-1) and non-saline (S0=0.4 dSm-1) hydroponic culture of half strength Hoagland solution. A treatment without any foliar application to all wheat varieties was kept as control in Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Before the initiation of booting stage, plants were harvested and the evaluation was done on the basis of various morphological (root/shoot length, root/shoot fresh weight, root/shoot dry weight, root-shoot (weight) ratio, membrane stability index and biochemical parameters (sodium, potassium and chlorophyll contents in leaf). It is confirmed that the foliar application of amino acids significantly enhanced the salt tolerance in wheat. The wheat variety Pk-13 has been selected as salinity tolerant genotype because it has obtained the maximum shoot dry weight with higher Na+/k+ ratio as compared to Anaaj-17 which was classified as salt sensitive genotype because of attaining the minimum shoot dry weight and lowest Na+/k+ ratio.
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Tahir Kamran, Anser Ali, Muhammad Sarwar, Wajad Nazeer, Alam Sher
Volume : 4 Issue : 1 Year: 2023
Isolation and Screening of Endophytic Bacteria for their Potential to Improve Growth of Wheat and Maize
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Endophytic bacteria involve in the production as well as regulation of phytohormones and siderophore and have more capacity to tolerate environmental stresses in a better way when compared with rhizosphere bacteria. A study was planned to check the capacity of endophytic microorganism to improve the growth of maize and wheat crop. Total 35 endophytic microorganism have been isolated from plant tissues out of which 20 were characterized on the basis on biochemical tests and Indole acetic acid production. Efficient 15 isolates were screened and 5 isolates were selected for field study. Field study of wheat and maize was directed at the Soil Bacteriology Section AARI Faisalabad. Recommended dose of fertilizer (NP @ 100:60 kg/ha & NPK @ 120:114:90 kg ha-1) for maize and wheat crop was applied. Results showed that inoculation with bacterial isolates confirmed great increase in yield compared to control. It was noted that the highest fodder yield (70.5 t ha-1) in case of maize and the highest grain yield (4030 kg ha-1) produced by endophytic bacteria E-3. The use of specific endophytes may be considered preferable as compared to rhizospheric bacteria as well as over the use of chemical fertilizers due to their beneficial impact on environment costs, contributing to more sustainable agricultural systems.
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Hina Javed, Abid Ali, M. Amjad Qureshi, Fraza Ijaz, Shabana Ehsan, M. Asif Ali, Rehman Gul, Shahid Nazir, Yassal Khan, Asawara Maqsood, Abid Niaz, Muhammad Nadeem, Saira Khalid
Volume : 4 Issue : 1 Year: 2023
The Effect of Iron and Zinc Fortified Chickpea Energy Bars on Working Memory of Pre-Adolescents
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The aims of this study were to develop iron and zinc fortified chickpea energy bars and check their effect on cognitive development specifically working memory of the Pre-adolescent. We conducted analysis in twenty-four students from the private school of Faisalabad (Pakistan). Warises’re subtests such as arithmetic, digit-span and coding were checked through Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-R) were done. The evaluation of serum iron and zinc level of the children before and after the trial confirmed that the fortification induced a 3.31% increase in the serum iron level followed by 2.25% increase in the serum zinc level of school going children. There was an increase of 3.50 in the mean squares of the working memory index after the administration of fortified chickpea bars. This accentuates that fortification improved specific cognitive abilities among children including working memory. The fortification of chickpea is likely source of vitamins and minerals. Chickpeas enhance the iron absorption in the body by making it more bioavailable. This study concludes that chickpea fortification with iron and zinc can serve as an economical and healthy approach in combating learning difficulties and cognitive problems that school-going children undergo.
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Hira Iftikhar, Maheen Fatima, Beenish Israr, Alvina Haseeb, Imran Pasha, Hafiz Bilal Murtaza
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A study was undertaken on Thalli sheep to evaluate the non-genetic factors affected on animal’s birth weight in Southern Punjab, Pakistan. Non-genetic factors along with genetic factors are important influential factors in determining the performance of animals. Data on 239 lambing records were analyzed using Statistix 8.1 software. The average birth weights calculated were 3.40 ± 3.34 kg. Significant effects of birth weight were observed by environmental factors like birth type, flock, sex of lamb, and year of birth. Non-significant i.e. (P>0.06) values were observed throughout the study for the season of birth. Males were heavier than females according to their birth weights. Similarly, single-born lambs have more body weight than of twins.
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Maria Khan, Asim Faraz , Amjad Farooq, Abdul Waheed, Riffat Parveen, Nasir Ali Tauqir, Muhammad Arslan Akbar, Talat Bilal Yasoob, Maaz Rehman, Syeda Maryam Hussain, Muhammad Furqan Ilyas, Muhammad Rizwan, Chanda Liaqat, Sadia Sanaullah
Volume : 4 Issue : 1 Year: 2023
Evaluation of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Population for Yield and Quality Traits
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Sixty F3 progenies of sunflower were evaluated in department of plant breeding and Genetics, College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha. Eight yield related phenological traits viz., seed yield head-1(SYP), days to flowering (DTF), days to maturity (DTM), oil contents (OC), 100-seed weight (100-SW), head diameter (HD), plant height (PH) and leaf area (LA) were analyzed for genetic variability, correlation to estimate association between traits and biplot analysis for genotypes by trait interaction. ANOVA results showed that all the F3 progenies had significant difference for all the traits studied. Coefficients of genotypic and phenotypic correlation showed that SYP had significant and positive correlation with DTM, DTF, HD, 100-SW and PH. Oil contents were negatively correlated with DTF, DTM, 100-SW. 100 seeds weight (100-SW) showed highly significant and positive correlation with DTF and DTM by genotypically while significant positive at phenotypic level. Progenies A-50 and A-58 were prominent due to their highest SYP and 100-SW and A-12 and A-26 had the highest HD and DTF while progeny A-30 had the lowest DTF and DTM and could be selected due to early maturing traits. Keywords: achene, oil contents, phenological development, genetic variability
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Muhammad Shehzad , Muhammad Umer and Ikram-ul-Haq
Volume : 4 Issue : 1 Year: 2023
Nitrogen dynamics, growth, yield and quality of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under the influence of soybean (Glycine max L.) intercrop
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Intercropping of a leguminous crop in non-legume affects its nitrogen dynamics. Field research was conducted at the farm area of College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha. To understand whether soybean intercropping alters the nitrogen use efficiency, yield and quality of sunflower, a field study was conducted at College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Pakistan during spring, 2022. Treatments were varying N application rates (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha-1). A randomized complete block design was used with four replications. Hysun-33 and NARC-21 were the hybrids of sunflower and soybean, respectively. Soybean rows were spaced 30 cm apart whereas sunflower row spacing was 60 cm. In each plot, 4 rows of sunflower were altered by 3 rows of soybean. Results revealed significant improvement in growth and yield of sunflower by increase in N application. The highest N level (160 kg ha-1) resulted in the highest number of days (114.7) the sunflower crop took to reach maturation. The same treatment attained the highest plant height (214.5 cm), leaves per plant (27.5), leaf area index (4.39), head diameter (25 cm) and biological yield (14789 kg ha-1), number of achenes per head (1586), 1000-achene weight (51.25 g), harvest index (16.94%), achene yield (2395 kg ha-1) and oil yield (872.0 kg ha-1). The highest nitrogen use efficiency (7.2 kg kg-1) of sunflower was calculated at 80 kg ha-1 N level. It can be concluded that for getting the highest yield of sunflower crop along with soybean intercrop, farmer should use 160 kg ha-1 nitrogen. However, in soybean intercropping system, the maximum yield benefit of sunflower per unit of nitrogen applied was the highest at 80 kg nitrogen per ha.
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Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1* , Hafiz Hassan Farooq1, Amjed Ali1, Muhammad Arshad Javed1, Muhammad Sarwar2, Alamgir Alvi3 and Shahbaz Hussain4
Volume : 4 Issue : Year: 2023
Ascorbic acid ameliorates drought stress in maize (Zea mays l.) grown under field conditions
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Drought is a serious abiotic constraint against the growth and production of maize. Different management approaches have been adopted to cope with the negative effects of water deficit. Therefore, a trial was carried out to optimize the concentration of cenolate (ascorbic acid) and to assess its role in ameliorating the negative effects of drought for sustainable crop production. The treatments comprised of (a) three drought levels: D0= control (no drought), D1= drought at vegetative stage or 40 days after emergence (skip irrigation), D2= drought at reproductive or silking stage (skip irrigation), (b) two maize varieties:V1= FH-1046 (drought tolerant), V2= FH-1137 (drought-sensitive) and (c) four levels of ascorbic acid (0, 0.5 mM, 1.0 mM and 1.50 mM). The results showed that drought caused a significant reduction in the photosynthetic pigments, shoot biomass and plant growth. However, treatment of ascorbic acid through the foliar method decreased the adverse impacts of drought. Application of ascorbic acid increased the plant vigor and final productivity of maize by improving the antioxidative defense system, stabilizing membrane, maintaining water levels and increasing the contents of photosynthetic pigments. Among cultivars, FH-1046 was comparatively resistant against drought. Foliar applied AsA at lower concentration (1.0 mM) showed positive influences in both maize cultivars grown under water-limited conditions.
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Ali Ahmad, Zubair Aslam, Shoaib Naeem, Muhammad Sarwar, Anser Ali and Muhammad Imdad Ullah
Volume : 4 Issue : 2 Year: 2023
Enhancing Fruit Yield and Citrus Quality through Integrated Application of Organic Fertilizers and Zinc
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Maximization of citrus fruit yield and enhancing their quality are ambitious objectives for citrus growers and scientist across the globe. This study explores the synergistic potential of organic manures and zinc to achieve these objectives. This integrated approach represents a sustainable and environmentally friendly strategy for citrus cultivation. For this, a study was conducted with different treatments of zinc and farm yard manure. The trial was conducted using randomized complete block design with five repeats. Results showed that the highest fruit yield (58.23 kg plant-1 ), fruit weight (169.40 g fruit-1), fruit diameter (72.80 mm), juice content (46.64%), TSS (10.87 ˚Brix), citric acid (645.22 mg 100 mL-1 ), ascorbic acid (593.45 mg 100 mL-1 ), total sugar content (7.05%), Zn content in leaf (19.46 mg kg-1), photosynthetic rate (14.68 µmol m-2 s-1), transpiration rate (3.95 mmol m-2 s-1 ), WUE (3.72 µmol CO2 mmol-1 H2O), stomata conductance (0.465 mmol m-2 s -1) and total chlorophyll (4.41 mg g-1) were obtained by application of T8: (Zn @ 50 g plant-1 + FYM @ 25 kg plant-1 + PM @ 10 kg plant-1). On the basis of our results, it is concluded that integrated use of Zn coupled with organic manures was the most effective combination of fertilization for improving physiological functioning and ionic metabolism, yield contributing attributes and fruit quality of citrus.
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Muhammad Ashraf , Sher Muhammad Shahzad, Muhammad Atif Irshad, Syed Ayyaz Javed, Muhammad Asif and Rizwana Kausar
Volume : 4 Issue : 2 Year: 2023
Allelopathic effect of sugarcane intercrops on its emergence and growth
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Crops sown as intercrops in sugarcane are presumed to modify the emergence and growth of sugarcane by releasing phytotoxic chemicals into its rhizosphere. This study was conducted to investigate the allelopathic effect of leachates (liquid extracts with soluble solids) of intercrops Triticum aestivum, Cicer arietinum, Brassica napus and Lens culinaris on sugarcane. Aqueous extracts (5% w/v) derived from different plants parts (leaves, stem, root and whole plant). Among all the extracts used in study, B. napus root extract caused the highest reduction in emergence percentage (78%), emergence index (85%) and chlorophyll content (60%) of sugarcane seedlings in comparison with distilled water treated control. Whereas, the maximum inhibition in seedling growth of sugarcane was observed in response to application of stem extract of gram that resulted in the lowest sugarcane seedling length (23 cm), seedling biomass (2.0 g) and seedling vigor index (875). It can be concluded that in autumn planted sugarcane, intercropping of Brassica napus and Cicer arietinum should be avoided as these exhibited the strongest allelopathic influence on sugarcane.
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Mubashar Nadeem, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat, Muhammad Ibrahim, Hardev Sandhu, Muhammad Shehzad and Muhammad Sarwar
Volume : 4 Issue : 2 Year: 2023
Resistance of orange peel against microbial activity on various fabrics
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Textile products are required to be safeguard them against bacteria and microorganisms infestation. Natural herbs and plant material may be used on the surface of fabrics rather than synthetic materials to protect them against biotic factors. In this regard a study was conducted to evaluate orange peel on several fabrics to create an antibacterial textile finish. AATCC 147 test method was used to measure the developed finish's efficacy against two different strains of bacteria, including Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Treated and untreated fabrics were compared to determine significant (P ≤ 0.05) difference. Treated materials showed zones of inhibition ranging from 32 - 45 mm, and for gram negative bacteria, it ranged between 30 to 41 mm. The zones of inhibition in the treated materials indicate areas where bacterial growth is actively controlled. Larger zones suggest a stronger antimicrobial effect. The active compounds in the orange peel extract may interfere with bacterial cell membranes, disrupt cellular processes, or inhibit essential enzymes.
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Mehreen Ijaz
Volume : 4 Issue : 2 Year: 2023
Evaluation of the genetic variability between biomass and biofuel traits in Sorghum bicolor germplasm of Pakistan
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Abstract Sorghum is a major fodder crop with a substantial biomass production all over the world, including Genetic divergence among 15 Pakistani sorghum genotypes was evaluated under this study. High variability was reported in fresh biomass (382.197-778.181g), dry biomass 70.717-79.288), leaf area index (51.200-69.596cm2), leaf length 24.778-34.876 cm2), plant height 188.36-290.16cm), brix value (11.703-16.034) days to 50% flowering (156.21-292.288 days), and days to maturity (109.1-120.87 days). The first five principal components (PCs) across sorghum genotypes with Eigen values >1 shared 83.25% variability. Strong positive correlation was observed among fresh and dry biomass with the number of leaves per plant, the flag leaf area index, days to maturity and 50% of the days to flowering, whereas plant height and days to maturity showed a positive correlation. The Un-weight Pair-Group Method of Analysis (UPGMA) identified 5 morphotypes. Based on homology, the germplasm was divided into five classes. The genotypes (GP-6) and (GP-7) had the highest values for the fresh biomass, stem thickness, leaf length, dry biomass, number of leaves/plants and flag leaf area index. The Pakistani sorghum germplasm's explored genetic potential may be useful for varietal development programs.
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Rehana, Ummara Waheed, Shoaib-ur-Rehman, Sarmad Frogh Arshad, Sehrish Ijaz
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Drought stress is a limiting factor for yield and oil quality in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). The objective of current study was to determine the gene action for drought stress, and its impact on oil quality. Thirty-two single cross hybrids developed by crossing 8 drought tolerant inbred lines and four drought susceptible lines through line × tester mating design. The experiment was performed using randomized complete block design where two factors i.e., genotypes and stress and three replications were used. The oil quality related traits i.e., protein content (PC), oil content (OC), palmitic acid (PA), stearic acid (SA), oleic acid (OA) and linoleic acid (LA). Degree of dominance was higher than one indicating the over dominant type of gene action for all traits and could have the potential for hybrid breeding. Based on the GCA effects, L1, L6 and L7 were good combiners for oil quality traits. Based on SCA effects, the H25 was identified a good combiner for all the traits except LA. This hybrid is recommended for good quality oil seed production under arid and semi-arid areas.
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Ejaz-Ul-Hasan, Farooq Ahmad Khan, Usman Saleem, Sajida Habib, Rizwana Qamar, Hafiz Saad Bin Mustafa, Muhammad Anwar, Sajid Ali and Ijaz Haider
Volume : 4 Issue : 2 Year: 2023
Exploring the impact of heat stress on inheritance patterns of key agronomic traits in upland cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) through generation mean analysis
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The goal of this study is to study the influence of heat stress on the hereditary patterns of different agronomic traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) by utilizing generation mean analysis. A total of six parental varieties were cultivated in a controlled greenhouse environment, consisting of three heat-tolerant cultivars (CIM-600, Cyto-178, and FH-142) and three heat-susceptible cultivars (Aleppo-1, Marvi and AMSI-38). Following the development of six primary generations resulting from three crosses (CIM-600 × Allepo-1, Cyto-178 × AMSI-38 and FH-142 × Marvi), the seeds were subsequently planted at the farm of the Central Cotton Research Institute, Multan. The dominant component significantly influenced plant height more than the additive component in all crosses under normal conditions. The inheritance of traits in both situations was influenced by epistatic components (i, j, and l), except cross 1 under heat stress. It is worth noting that negative values for component [i] suggest the absence of any fixable additive genetic effect in some crosses. The presence of negative component values [j] in some crosses has led to the proposal of a digenic interaction. Diverse prior investigations have documented both similarities and differences in their respective conclusions.
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Javed Iqbal, Khadim Hussain , Hafiz Muhammad Ijaz, Muhammad Aleem Sarwar, Muhammad Ashfaq, Muhammad Tariq, Muhammad Zafar
Volume : 4 Issue : 2 Year: 2023
Climate change affects chilli production, profitability, and costs: implications for sustainable agriculture
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Climate change significantly affecting the agriculture sector globally, the world population is projected to be 9.1 billion by the year 2050, and about 70% extra food will be required. One of the main challenges regarding food security is the negative effects of climate change on crops. The farming of chili is vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change, leading to a significant decline in production due to heightened rain and drought occurrences. Current research carried out to investigates the impacts of climate change on chili production and income, involving the entire cultivation process from planting to harvest in Sindh province of Pakistan. The findings of this study reveal that climate change (Drought or heavy monsoon rain) employs a visible impact on both production efficiency and the income derived from chili cultivation. Thus, overall net-revenue from per acre is Rs. 269760.25 in the rainy season and Rs. 209,281in the dry season. The calculated return cost ratio (R/C) is computed at 2.46 and 1.97 in rainy and drought season respectively, declares the continued feasibility of chili farming, despite the challenges posed by climate change, Cobb-Douglass, function, analysis reveals the influence of various factors on chili production during both the dry and rainy seasons. In the dry season, the production of chili is significantly (R2= 0.82) affected by variables such as land area, seeds, manure, pesticides, and labor. Similarly, in the rainy season, all the parameters show positive signs, indicating that land area, seeds, manure, pesticides, and labor have a significant impact on chili production. Although variable of chemical fertilizer does non-significant effect on chili production in both seasons.
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Mehar Ul Nissa Rais, Abdul Waheed Solangi & Hakimzadi Wagan
Volume : 5 Issue : 1 Year: 2024
Integrated pest management strategies for controlling potato late blight and enhancing crop and yield
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One of the most popular non-grain crops worldwide is the potato. Pests and diseases, however, cause a 17% reduction in global production. After rice, wheat, and maize, potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) are the fourth most significant crop in the world. The Irish famine of the 1840s was brought on by the illness known as potato late blight, which is still the most detrimental to potato output worldwide and is brought on by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans. This study used a randomized complete block design during the 2022 growing season at the National Agriculture Research Center (NARC), Islamabad, to effectively control Phytophthora infestans and increase Potato productivity. The inquiry covered a variety of treatments, such as conventional methods, chemical insecticides, biological agents, and a combined strategy. The selected Potato variety, Kuroda, was subjected to careful plot design and management. Sesame crop rotation dramatically decreased the incidence of Phytophthora infestans (42%, severity 2.2). When using chemical pesticides, late blight disease incidence was reduced to 59% and severity to 2.9, demonstrating a reasonable level of effectiveness. The incidence of the disease (34%) and its severity (1.4) significantly decreased after Trichoderma harzianum or Bacillus spp were introduced as a biological agent. Impressively, the combined strategy that included Trichoderma harzianum and Fungazil produced outstanding results with disease incidence at 26% and severity at 1.1. The yield of crops had been impacted in significant ways. The study emphasizes the value of integrated approaches to controlling potato late blight, including methods to increase crop output through chemical, biological, and cultural means. However, difficulties brought on by the condition hinder optimal light intensity and yield. These results indicate the combined strength of chemical and biological agents and emphasize the effectiveness of integrated disease control systems.
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Khawaja M Nauman, Syed Ali Raza Shoukat, Nouman Aziz, Muhammad Ahmad, Jamal Khabab Ahmad, Shahzaib Rehman, Muhammad Yousaf, Ahmad Faiz Akba, *Qasim Ali Hashmi, Ghulam Siddique, Rizwana Nasreen, Irum Asad
Volume : 5 Issue : 1 Year: 2024
Revolutionizing Maize Production: Breakthrough Technologies and Methods for Developing Transgenic and Quality Protein Varieties
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Maize is a multi-purpose crop known to be affected by multiple stresses, with intensified impact due to climate change which may pose a threat to global food security. Genetic Engineering provide solution for incorporating resistance and quality related transgenes may provide sustainable yield and overcome hidden hunger under various environmental conditions. Improving the transformation efficiency to achieve various breeding goals of maize is crucial. In this regard, recent articles about plant transformation technologies for the development of maize transgenic lines was reviewed. New breakthrough technologies with improved transgenic efficiency, identification of transgenes to develop biofortified maize varieties provide new resilience for food security. Genetic modification could be induced by protoplast transformation and particle bombardment. Furthermore, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, targeted genome editing and nanoparticle delivery could enhance maize transformation methods. A thorough understanding of maize genetics, specifically the role of the Opaque-2 gene in protein quality, is essential for producing high-quality protein maize. Breeding programs need to choose optimal parents with sought-after traits and evaluate genetic variation to enhance crop production. The progress in maize transformation technology has the potential to increase maize production, productivity, and quality, which will be advantageous for both farmers and consumers.
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Ali Abbas1 , Rao Muhammad Samran Gul2, Atique Ur Rehman3, Taimoor Ali4, Zoya Batool Naqvi2, Muhammad Aneeq Ur Rahman3, Qurban Ali5, Muhammad Shahjahan Bukhari6*
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Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) with Cas9 systems have proven to be an effective molecular tool for editing the genome in a variety of organisms, including plants. This technology facilitates to introduce desired mutations at precise location within genomes. In addition, this system also eliminates the usage of transgene and vector free editing with desirable modifications. This tool is being successfully used for the development of disease resistant and climate resilient plant genotypes. This technology not only improves the crop production, but also help in understanding the functions of genes linked with different traits. Hence, CRISPR-Cas9 can be a potential source of second green revolution in the field of agriculture. This review mainly focused on different types and sub-types of CRISPR-Cas system, its classifications and successful application in the field of agriculture to develop disease resistant, stress tolerant and to improve nutritional quality in plants.
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Numra Shehzadi, Afadia Omer, Dua Noor, Junaid Iqbal, Shahid Nazir, Sajid ur Rahman
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Groundnut is popular for its versatile usage including direct human consumption as a dry fruit and the production of oil as it has an important nutritional value for human and animal consumption in the form of silage, hay, oil seed cake, etc. Historically, the groundnut fields were prepared by bullock-drawn tillage implements, sown manually or by bullock-drawn drills, intercultural practices with small tools or hoes, harvested, striping, and pods collected manually. Several factors prevent the farming community from adopting modern agricultural technology. Normally farmers in undeveloped countries are hesitant to adopt new technologies. Different technological interventions were made by different researchers in terms of seedbed preparation, sowing, intercultural, plant protection, harvesting and threshing, oil extraction, and butter making to avoid the challenges involved with the traditional method. Therefore, this study presented the results of the technological interventions made by different researchers, and the limitations of these technologies were also identified which can be used by farmers to enhance groundnut production. By using these mechanized technologies, farmers can complete their tasks within time to avoid the losses from late sowing and conventional harvesting practices of groundnut
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Abu Saad, Zia-Ul-Haq, Syed Mudassir Raza, Muhammad Adnan Islam, Ibrar Ahmad, Shahid Javed Butt, Muzammil Hussain, Khurram Sheraz, Aksar Ali Khan, Tajwar Alam
Volume : 5 Issue : 2 Year: 2024
Stepping towards essential oil extraction technology: Prospects and Challenges for aromatic growers in Northern Punjab, Pakistan
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Promoting awareness and knowledge dissemination becomes a powerful tool for propelling both sustainability and profitability in navigating the complexities of contemporary agriculture. The perceived effectiveness and profitability are likely attributed to the high-value crops, particularly essential oils such as eucalyptus oil as lucrative. A sample size of 288 aromatic growers was selected from stratified random sampling in northern Punjab, Pakistan. This study delves into the prospects and challenges impacting farmers' knowledge concerning three distinct essential oil extraction (EOE) practices using ordinal regression analysis. The key findings revealed that the majority of the respondents perceived these practices as cost-effective, profit-driven, productive in terms of crop yield, and motivated towards adoption as statistically significant predictors. Conversely, limited market proximity, negative perception among peers, and scarcity of skilled workforce proved to be significant barriers triggering their perception toward adoption. The application of ordinal regression analysis knowledge provided a thorough understanding of decision-making processes among aromatic growers. This study contributes to the theoretical framework by highlighting the interconnectedness of economic factors and farmers' knowledge, providing a nuanced understanding of the drivers behind EOE practices. Hence, this study underscore the importance of this multi-faceted approach involving education, policy, and industry participation to promote a sustainable and profitable essential oil sector within the agricultural landscape of the Asiatic region. Therefore, it is recommended to enhance farmer education through targeted training programs, incentivize eco-friendly practices with supportive policies, and foster innovation through public-private partnerships to drive a profitable essential oil sector.
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Fouzia Anjum , Sher Muhammad, Badar Naseem Siddiqui
Volume : 5 Issue : 2 Year: 2024
Development and performance evaluation of small scale walk behind sprayer
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Spraying agrochemicals on crop is essential to protect them from insects, pests and weeds. Different machine like knapsack, boom and aircraft are being commonly used worldwide to spray agrochemicals for crop protection. Knapsack sprayer is a common equipment used by the farming community in Pakistan. These sprayers have less field efficiency and can lead to operator discomfort and back pain. Tractor mounted boom sprayers and aircraft sprayers may also be used but these are very expensive equipments and small farmer cannot afford them. To address this farming community challenge, a small scale walk behind sprayer was designed and manufactured at Agricultural Engineering Workshop, University of Agriculture Faisalabad in 2020. This newly developed spraying machine is light weight and easy to operate in the fields. Performance of walk behind sprayer was evaluated in the term of effective field capacity, field efficiency and wheel slippage. Spraying machine can work for five hours after one recharge of a 12V battery. Pump produced pressure of 150 PSI and discharge rate of nozzles were 0.5 liters per minute. Overall machine has proven beneficial for the small farmer as it can easily spray 5 acres/day. The research findings showed that field efficiency of machine was 77.7% and slippage factor was 13.5%. It is concluded from the study that newly developed technology performed better as compared to knapsack sprayer therefore this machine is recommended to the farmers.
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Hafiz Talha Ahmed , Abdul Ghafoor, Zia-Ul-Haq, Aksar Ali Khan, Talha Mehmood, Abu Saad, Syed Mudassir Raza, Muhammad Adnan Islamd, Ibrar Ahmade, Muzammil Husain
Volume : 5 Issue : 2 Year: 2024
Insights into morphological, physio-biochemical, and phytoremediation alterations in ornamental plants under nickel stress
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Nickel (Ni) is an essential metal that causes soil toxicity at higher levels and reduces crop growth and quality. Therefore, the present study was planned to explore the soil phytoremediation potential of different ornamental plants (stock, snapdragon, and gladiolus) in Ni-contaminated soil. Stock, snapdragon, and gladiolus plants were grown in pots supplemented with different levels of Ni (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 µM) to analyze different growth, physiological, biochemical, and phytoremediation parameters. Results showed that a higher level of Ni (80 µM) significantly decreased growth and physio-chemical attributes of stock, snapdragon, and gladiolus. Maximum shoot length (15.40%), root length (16.00%), shoot fresh weight (6.75%), root fresh weight (15.19%), shoot dry weight (19.80%), root dry weight (27.52%), relative water content (12.29%), membrane stability index (10.64%) and total chlorophyll content (4.33%) were recorded in stock flower at 20 µM. Moreover, higher values for photosynthetic rate (27.81%), transpiration rate (9.23%), stomatal conductance (19.89%), and sub-stomatal conductance (44.19%) were noted in stock flower at 40 µM. Whereas, the maximum activities of catalase (20.41%), peroxidase (66.17%), and superoxide dismutase (64.48%) were measured in stock flower at 60 µM. Stock plants showed more tolerance against Ni toxicity than snapdragon and gladiolus based on a higher bio concentration factor (70.70%) and lesser translocation factor (46.44%) at 60 µM and 40 µM respectively. Conclusively, stock has performed better than snapdragon and gladiolus for phytoremediation of Ni-polluted soil.
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Amir Hameed, Gulzar Akhtar, Nazar Faried, Sami Ullah, Muhammad Asif Shehzad , Ishtiaq A. Rajwana, Kashif Razzaq, Tahir Saeed, Iftikhar Ahmad, Muhammad Rizwan Shah
Volume : 5 Issue : 2 Year: 2024
Role of Earthworms and Radish for the Remediation of Pesticides and Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soil
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Soil contamination with pesticides and heavy metals due to excessive agricultural and industrial activities. Moreover, soil contamination has become an increasing environmental and public health concern. Effective remediation strategies are essential to restore soil health, reduce toxicity, and promote sustainable agriculture. The role of earthworms and radish (Raphanus sativus) in the phytoremediation of co-contaminated soils, specifically focusing on their abilities to mobilize and accumulate heavy metals and pesticides. Furthermore, earthworms, particularly Eisenia fetida and Pheretima posthuma, are ecological engineers; their activities enhance soil quality and facilitate the bioavailability of contaminants. Through bioturbation and organic matter processing, earthworms increase the accessibility of heavy metals and pesticides to plants, thus boosting phytoremediation potential. Vermitechnology, including vermicomposting, has significantly reduced metal toxicity, enhanced soil enzyme activity, and promoted microbial diversity. Radish plants, known hyperaccumulators, have demonstrated a substantial capacity to absorb metals such as cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), and arsenic (As), as well as pesticides like triazophos and chlorpyrifos, with concentrations highest in the roots and shoots. Findings reveal that combined applications of earthworms and phytoremediation plants can improve the efficiency of contaminant uptake. Specifically, E. fetida exhibited superior performance in increasing metal and pesticide bioavailability to radish compared to P. posthuma. This study suggests that earthworm-assisted phytoremediation using radish is a viable, eco-friendly approach for mitigating soil contamination. Future studies should concentrate on field trials, the influence of different soil kinds, and additional synergistic plant and earthworm species to optimize bioremediation methods.
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Humera Aslam, Sara Anum, Talha Shafique, Amjad Ali, Sonum Bashir, Moazzma Anwar, Muhammed Tatar, Eman Fatima, Tooba Khan, Muhammad Awais Fareed, Qaiser Shakeel, Aqleem Abbas
Volume : 5 Issue : 2 Year: 2024
Role of Earthworms and Radish for the Remediation of Pesticides and Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soil
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Soil contamination with pesticides and heavy metals due to excessive agricultural and industrial activities. Moreover, soil contamination has become an increasing environmental and public health concern. Effective remediation strategies are essential to restore soil health, reduce toxicity, and promote sustainable agriculture. The role of earthworms and radish (Raphanus sativus) in the phytoremediation of co-contaminated soils, specifically focusing on their abilities to mobilize and accumulate heavy metals and pesticides. Furthermore, earthworms, particularly Eisenia fetida and Pheretima posthuma, are ecological engineers; their activities enhance soil quality and facilitate the bioavailability of contaminants. Through bioturbation and organic matter processing, earthworms increase the accessibility of heavy metals and pesticides to plants, thus boosting phytoremediation potential. Vermitechnology, including vermicomposting, has significantly reduced metal toxicity, enhanced soil enzyme activity, and promoted microbial diversity. Radish plants, known hyperaccumulators, have demonstrated a substantial capacity to absorb metals such as cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), and arsenic (As), as well as pesticides like triazophos and chlorpyrifos, with concentrations highest in the roots and shoots. Findings reveal that combined applications of earthworms and phytoremediation plants can improve the efficiency of contaminant uptake. Specifically, E. fetida exhibited superior performance in increasing metal and pesticide bioavailability to radish compared to P. posthuma. This study suggests that earthworm-assisted phytoremediation using radish is a viable, eco-friendly approach for mitigating soil contamination. Future studies should concentrate on field trials, the influence of different soil kinds, and additional synergistic plant and earthworm species to optimize bioremediation methods.
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Humera Aslam, Sara Anum, Talha Shafique, Amjad Ali, Sonum Bashir, Moazzma Anwar, Muhammed Tatar, Eman Fatima, Tooba Khan, Muhammad Awais Fareed, Qaiser Shakeel, Aqleem Abbas
Volume : 6 Issue : 1 Year: 2025
A Case Study in Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd): Combine use of Sunflower Leaf Extract with Nitrogen improve Quinoa Plant Architecture
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Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) is a climate resilient crop, but grain yield is a complex trait highly effect by excessive vegetative growth. To overcome problem, study was carried out to evaluate the effect of foliar application of sunflower leaf extract as a plant growth retardant of quinoa observe with different nitrogen (N2) levels. Experiment was carried out in randomize complete block design. Main experimental unit included different levels of nitrogen (N1= 50 kg ha-1, N2= 75 kg ha-1 and N3=100 kg ha-1), and sub plots included control (without extract spray and water spray) and sunflower water extract foliar applications of different four concentrations (3%, 6%, 9%, 12%). Foliar application of sunflower leaf water extract and nitrogen application significantly enhanced yield and harvest index of quinoa crop. Maximum seed yield and harvest index was recorded by foliar application of sunflower water extract at 9% under higher dose of nitrogen 100 kg ha-1.There was no harmful impact seen of sunflower water extract on seed quality attributes especially under higher nitrogen regimes. It is therefore concluded that foliar application of sunflower water extract at 9% under higher nitrogen regime improved physiological growth, yield, harvest index and seed quality attributes of quinoa.
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Nabeel Ahmad Ikram, Mudassar Ayub, Shahid Iqbal, Abid Hussain, Khuram Mubeen, Abdul Ghaffar, Mudassir Aziz, Muhammad Asif Shehzad , Waseem Hassan, Abdul Khaliq, M. Naazir Khan Niazi, M. Rohan Naveed
Volume : 5 Issue : 2 Year: 2024
Impact of Phosphorus Levels and Application Techniques on Cotton Growth and Yield in Sahiwal, Pakistan
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Phosphorus (P) application plays a crucial role in cotton growth by enhancing reproductive development and seed cotton yield. This study, conducted at the Adaptive Research Station in Sahiwal from 2021 to 2022, examined the effects of various phosphorus application methods on the productivity of cotton cultivar MNH-1020. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications was employed, incorporating seven phosphorus treatments, including control (T1, no P) and different combinations of band placement, broadcast, and fertigation at 57 kg and 85 kg P₂O₅/ha. Results from Kharif 2022 indicated that the highest seed cotton yield (3119 kg/ha) was recorded in T7 (85 kg P₂O₅/ha, with half broadcast at sowing and half fertigated 60 days after sowing). The second highest yield (3022 kg/ha) was observed in T5 (85 kg P₂O₅/ha applied fully at sowing). In contrast, the lowest yield (2106 kg/ha) was obtained from T1 (control). A significant positive correlation (R² = 0.95 and 0.87) was observed between boll density, boll mass, and seed cotton yield. The findings suggest that applying 85 kg P₂O₅/ha, with a split application between sowing and 60 days post-sowing, optimizes phosphorus availability and improves cotton yield.
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Liaqat Ali, Ashiq Hussain, Mushtaq Ali, Muhammad Shahid,Sabiha Abbas, Sidra Batool, Amna Batool, Muhammad Tariq, Ishtiaq Hussain, and Ijaz -ul-Hassan
Volume : 5 Issue : 2 Year: 2024
Exploring the Impact of Amino Acid Application on Cotton Growth and Yield under Semi-Arid Conditions
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Pakistan's cotton production ranks among the top in the world, yet its average yield remains far below the potential of its approved varieties. Poor photosynthetic translocation may be a limiting factor, but foliar sprays can rapidly provide essential nutrients during critical growth stages to help improve yields. In this regard, a two-year field experiment was conducted at the Adaptive Research Station, Sahiwal, under semi-arid conditions to investigate the effects of amino acid applications at 60, 90, and 120 days after sowing on cotton growth and yield. The experiment followed a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications, using cotton variety MNH-1020, sown with 75 cm spacing between rows and 22.5 cm between plants. Treatments included various amino acids compared with a water spray: T1 - Quantis @ 400 ml acre-1, T2 - Seamaxx @ 330 ml acre-1, T3 - Isabion @ 400 ml acre-1, T4 - water spray, and T5 - control. Results showed that amino acid treatments significantly influenced boll number, boll mass, seed index, lint percentage, and seed cotton yield (p < 0.05) during Kharif 2022 and 2023. The highest seed cotton yield (3865 and 4554 kg ha-1) was obtained from T1 (Quantis), followed by T3 (Isabion) with yields of 3762 and 4456 kg/ha. The lowest yields were observed in the control plot (T5) with 3051 and 4080 kg ha-1. The maximum boll weight, seed index, and lint percentage were observed from T1, followed by T3. No amino acid application in the control plot resulted in the lowest values for these parameters.
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Liaqat Ali, Mushtaq Ali, Ashiq Hussain, Muhammad Shahid, Sabiha Abbas, Sidra Batool, Amna Batool, Muhammad Tariq, Ishtiaq Hussain, Muhammad Faiz Jamil and Ijaz -ul-Hassan
Volume : 6 Issue : 1 Year: 2025
Insights into Fusarium Wilt of Peas (Pisum sativum) and its Management Strategies
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Fusarium wilt of peas, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi, is a destructive disease affecting pea crops globally. This paper examines the pathogen’s biology, epidemiology, and transmission mechanisms, focusing on how soil-dwelling insects, human activities, machinery, water, wind, and animals contribute to disease spread. It also explores recent disease management strategies, such as developing resistant pea varieties, crop rotation, and soil health practices. The importance of integrated disease management, combining cultural, biological, and chemical approaches, is emphasized as a means to reduce Fusarium wilt's impact. This review aims to synthesize current research and provide practical insights for researchers, agronomists, and farmers working to control the disease and ensure sustainable pea production.
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Hafiz Muhammad Usman, Talha Shafique , Sara Anum, Ayesha Munawar Bhatti, Moazzma Anwar, Lubna Shehzadi, Sonum Bashir, Eman Fatima, Tooba Khan and Talha Riaz
Volume : 5 Issue : 1 Year: 2024
Analysis of the Interrelationships between Various Body Dimensions in Young Lambs
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The aim of the current study was to examine the relationship between various body measurements of native sheep in the Southern Punjab area of Pakistan. Data (n = 97) on several linear body measurements, along with the animals' identities, were recorded for this purpose. Lambs aged 1 to 6 months were included in the study. Two flocks of animals were involved, and both male and female participants were considered. The body measurements used in this study included: body length, ear length, ear width, head width, withers height, head length, heart girth, neck width, neck length, rump width, rump length, and tail length. The data were collected, updated, and checked for normal distribution. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to assess the relationships between the measurements. This study provides valuable insights into the associations between different body measurements of native sheep.
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Sidra Fida, Asma Akram, Amjad Farooq, Abdul Waheed, Asim Faraz, Syeda Maryam Hussain, Zeeshan Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Arslan Akbar, Muhammad Rizwan, Chanda Liaqat, Sadia Sanaullah, Anam Zohra and Nasir Ali Tauqir
Volume : 5 Issue : 2 Year: 2024
Impact of Ralgro (Growth Promoter) Implants on the Growth Performance of Sahiwal and Crossbred Male Calves
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Two experiments evaluated the effects of Ralgro implants on the growth performance of male Sahiwal and Sahiwal × Friesian calves (n = 20, 12–14 months old, 100 ± 10 kg). Calves were randomly assigned to either a control or Ralgro-implanted group (36 mg per dose) and fed a high-concentrate Total Mixed Ration (TMR) with 2.35 Mcal/kg ME and 14.08% CP ad libitum for 100 days after a 10-day adaptation period. Daily feed intake and refusals were recorded, and live weight was measured bi-weekly. A digestibility trial assessed nutrient digestion, nitrogen balance, and meat quality. In Sahiwal calves, nutrient intake (CP, ME, DM, DMI % body weight) and feed conversion efficiency (FCE), average daily gain (ADG), DM digestibility, and nitrogen balance showed no significant differences between groups. NDF digestibility, however, increased linearly. In crossbred calves, Ralgro implants significantly improved ADG, nitrogen balance, and FCE. While Ralgro-implanted calves had better dressing percentages, marbling scores, and steak tenderness, these differences were not statistically significant. In conclusion, Ralgro implants primarily enhanced growth performance in crossbred calves, suggesting greater responsiveness to anabolic treatment. Further studies are needed to confirm these results.
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Murtaza Ali Tipu, Nasir Ali Tauqir, Anam Zohra, Asim Faraz, Riaz Hussain Mirza, Fayyaz Ahmad, Faisal Shahzad, and Tanveer Ahmad