Guidelines for Reviewers

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Guidelines for Reviewers

Guidelines For Reviewers
Blind peer review plays an important role to improve the quality of research papers. Following guidelines for reviewers are recommended while reviewing the articles:
• A reviewer should judge, assess and evaluate the weaknesses and strengths of the paper(s) sent to him/her.
• Reviewers must keep all the information of the paper(s) confidential and will not share with anyone.
• Reviewers must avoid criticism on social, political and religious basis. Criticism must be according to academic and technical grounds.
• Reviewers are encouraged to give their feedback concisely, objectively, relevantly and constructively to improve the quality of manuscripts.
• If reviewer(s) seek material copied from any other source without citation they should inform the editor of the journal with relevant citations and references.
• Reviewers are encouraged to provide feedback and return reports within two weeks.